Well, well, well...the new year is upon us, and no thanks to the damn government sanctioned long holiday, I start the new year of My Week in Comics one week short. Oh well...there were lots of good stuff that came by anyway, with another two-fisted romp with Incredible Herc, the gorgeously fun X-Force, and more. But that was yesterday's news...let's see what shaking this week!
Invincible Iron Man #9 has Tony contemplating on basically reformatting his brain, erasing every single important information stuck in his noggin, lest Norman Osborn captures our hero. Suffice to say I've read it twice and I still don't get what's supposed to happen...did he delete everything or didn't he? He says the procedure would leave him brain dead...but after the procedure it seems he's still capable of quick reflexes. Call me stupid or whatever, I just didn't get it.
Anyway, it was a fun read regardless, with Norman and his H.A.M.M.E.R. guys (I hate all those periods!) being the most hate-able sons of bitches on comics today, and Maria Hill going all Daniel Craig on us and kicking ass CQB style. The art is a bit more tolerable now, which was a very welcome plus for me. As much as I hate how we got to this Dark Reign, Iron Man shows us how awesome it might be. This one is an 8 out of 10.
Listen...Black Bolt isn't someone you really like to piss off, as evidenced by Secret Invasion: War of Kings #1. I mean, you haven't even gotten to the first page yet and you have Black Bolt on the cover looking like he beat up a truckload of Skrulls to death with his Scepter of Beatdown™!
This issue is all kinds of awesome, with the kings of Marvel cosmic Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning satisfyingly setting up the major players of the upcoming War of Kings event. Black Bolt comes off as a very determined king that's just about done taking crap from every corner of the galaxy, and it makes the inevitable showdown between him and Vulcan all the more sweeter. Medusa and the rest of the royal family are fun to read as either voices of reason (Crystal) or madness (Maximus, acting like the insane best friend). And the Inhumans using the energy of Black Bolt's voice on everything from weapons to armor to powering the Attilan Warship is just damn priceless (I'm out of ammo! Shout into this ammo bandolier, lord Black Bolt!)!
The art is just some of Paul Pelletier's best, and marks an improvement from him since his Annihilation: Conquest days. And Brandon Peterson just nails the cover on this one, making this my number one fave of the year until something else tops it. It's that awesome.
I've never read something that got me this excited about an upcoming event, which says a whole lot about this issue. I'm glad and even honored to have picked this up! A solid 10 out of 10.
Huwaw! the first perfect score comic of the year! This bodes well for my comic book reading, methinks. Hopefully this beginning streak keeps going for my sake and yours!
So, what's got you excited for this year? And does Black Bolt look badass on that cover or what? Whatever ya fancy, leave a comment if this week did you good! My Week in Comics is up every Friday. Thanks for reading!
Anyway, it was a fun read regardless, with Norman and his H.A.M.M.E.R. guys (I hate all those periods!) being the most hate-able sons of bitches on comics today, and Maria Hill going all Daniel Craig on us and kicking ass CQB style. The art is a bit more tolerable now, which was a very welcome plus for me. As much as I hate how we got to this Dark Reign, Iron Man shows us how awesome it might be. This one is an 8 out of 10.
This issue is all kinds of awesome, with the kings of Marvel cosmic Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning satisfyingly setting up the major players of the upcoming War of Kings event. Black Bolt comes off as a very determined king that's just about done taking crap from every corner of the galaxy, and it makes the inevitable showdown between him and Vulcan all the more sweeter. Medusa and the rest of the royal family are fun to read as either voices of reason (Crystal) or madness (Maximus, acting like the insane best friend). And the Inhumans using the energy of Black Bolt's voice on everything from weapons to armor to powering the Attilan Warship is just damn priceless (I'm out of ammo! Shout into this ammo bandolier, lord Black Bolt!)!
The art is just some of Paul Pelletier's best, and marks an improvement from him since his Annihilation: Conquest days. And Brandon Peterson just nails the cover on this one, making this my number one fave of the year until something else tops it. It's that awesome.
I've never read something that got me this excited about an upcoming event, which says a whole lot about this issue. I'm glad and even honored to have picked this up! A solid 10 out of 10.
Huwaw! the first perfect score comic of the year! This bodes well for my comic book reading, methinks. Hopefully this beginning streak keeps going for my sake and yours!
So, what's got you excited for this year? And does Black Bolt look badass on that cover or what? Whatever ya fancy, leave a comment if this week did you good! My Week in Comics is up every Friday. Thanks for reading!