I'm just gonna make this quick, since I'm still not finished reading all the comics I got from yesterday's awesome Free Comic Book Day!

Luck seemed to be on my side yesterday, since I woke up bright and early to get to the mall before it opens! With Filipinos and their hunger for anything free, I don't want a repeat of what happened during my previous brushes with FCBD.
So I ran all the way to Comic Odyssey the moment the mall opened...and whaddaya know, I'm one of the first in line!
Luck seemed to be on my side yesterday, since I woke up bright and early to get to the mall before it opens! With Filipinos and their hunger for anything free, I don't want a repeat of what happened during my previous brushes with FCBD.
So I ran all the way to Comic Odyssey the moment the mall opened...and whaddaya know, I'm one of the first in line!
I didn't get to take a picture of the line behind me but trust me...it was so long that the end point became a dark void where light can't even escape.
Minutes ticked by, and the line moved inch by inch as more people shuffled inside. A few minutes later, I sighed a huge sigh of relief as I got to their door. Finally, I get to actually grab free comics on Free Comic Book Day!
Minutes ticked by, and the line moved inch by inch as more people shuffled inside. A few minutes later, I sighed a huge sigh of relief as I got to their door. Finally, I get to actually grab free comics on Free Comic Book Day!
I mentioned before that there was a sale to coincide with FCBD, and the discounts became pretty apparent when the crowd of people thumbing through the back issue bins becoming so big I had to wait a couple of minutes just to get out. I even got me some The Age of Sentry back issues for 50 pesos each, and Love Hina manga for half price! It was crazy fun.
This was like the guy version of Midnight Madness. Ever see girls go googly-eyed at marked-down dresses and shoes as they fight over the last pair of Naturalizers? It's kind of like that, except here its dudes jostling for position to get to the X-Men section first. Some guy took a stack of back issues worth like 3,000Php in one go, while others grabbed trades and manga with the delicious discounts. People were reading their free comics and talking to fellow comic fans on the spot. Looks like FCBD was a success!
Of course, it wouldn't have been successful without the friendly LCS people manning the show. It looks like they're having fun too!
Of course, it wouldn't have been successful without the friendly LCS people manning the show. It looks like they're having fun too!
Free comics, newly-bought comics, fans coming together to celebrate the medium they all love...you can bet that the spirit of Free Comic Book Day is alive and well. So spread the good word on comics, guys! Take out those babies and give them a good reading, then pass it on to someone you know. Who knows? You just might be looking at the next comic book fan!
Speaking of fans, how was YOUR Free Comic Book Day? Which of the free comics did you like best? (I loved Artifacts!) Did you bring some of your non-comic book reading friends with you? Let's talk about it...I really want to know!
Speaking of fans, how was YOUR Free Comic Book Day? Which of the free comics did you like best? (I loved Artifacts!) Did you bring some of your non-comic book reading friends with you? Let's talk about it...I really want to know!