You feel that? That chill in the air? It must be another Wednesday, which means another scary Webcomic I Love! Continuing the tradition of highlighting scary webcomics this October, I present to you a scary awesome zombie webcomic, The Zombie Hunters ( Warning: Lots of gore. Not for the squeemish!
It's not your usual survivors-vs-zombies kind of story, because some of the main cast in this comic are infected themselves! But they only turn into zombies when they die, which makes them perfect as crack commando units to send out into the infected wastelands to scavenge for supplies. Knowing you'll hunt for brains when you croak isn't a comforting thought in the least, but that's what makes this webcomic so unsettling.
I also love how the moody art sets the tone of the comic, and the different types of zombies (taking nods from Resident Evil and other zombie games) are a fun and interesting touch. If you haven't read a zombie webcomic before, might I suggest The Zombie Hunters?

I also love how the moody art sets the tone of the comic, and the different types of zombies (taking nods from Resident Evil and other zombie games) are a fun and interesting touch. If you haven't read a zombie webcomic before, might I suggest The Zombie Hunters?