Lords of the Cosmos #5 Review

Ugli Studios is back for another serving of 80s-inspired sci-fi mayhem in Lords of the Cosmos #5, which is about to launch its Kickstarter soon. If the latest issue serves up more of the same batshit insane stuff I loved in the first few books, then it’s a good day to be a Lords of the Cosmos fan!

Issue 5 brings the next chapter of the conflict between two warring factions: the Disciples of Umex, hellbent on bringing the great machine-planet Aiden to its knees, and the Lords of the Cosmos, noble warriors standing opposed to Umex’s plans. Creator Jason Lenox takes this time to both bring us up to speed on the story so far, as well as assemble all the pieces in the final showdown, and it's exciting to see that we're heading to a climax.

The issue is more focused this time around, especially on some very important characters like the sadistic Zemba, a cruel dominatrix with a hair-trigger temper and lofty ambitions of power, and Aegeus, the most powerful of the Lords of the Cosmos and wielder of a sentient, bloodthirsty sword. But the mighty Aegeus has long given up the fight. With Umex back to terrorizing Aiden, will Aegeus have the strength to go to war once again?

If you're looking for something deep to chew on, this ain't it. Lords of the Cosmos is the comic book equivalent of bashing your favorite childhood action figures together in battles for the fate of the world. There's no room for parody nor subtext, just the fact that if Aegeus and his friend Ant-lor the warrior stag fails to stop the walking virus and his undead unicorn general, it's game over. Lenox and co. understand this feeling perfectly, and in that sense, Lords of the Cosmos is refreshing in its earnestness. If you've still got a little bit of your inner child left that still appreciates straight-faced stories like this, I think you'll have a great time.

However, the art is quite the mixed bag here, with some stories being more polished than the others. Luigi Barricelli's pencils in the story, "Mistress Zemba: A Day in the Life " is edgy, explicit, and evocative, as if a stray Metal Hurlant story found itself in the middle of the book. Sasha Ciardo's work on the pivotal story, "Pulse: Part One", however, unfortunately feels made by an artist pressed for time. But then again, when that story features a tough-talking wasp with a shotgun ordering around a mute samurai and a talking rhino, the art gets a little easier to swallow.

Still, Jason Lenox and his crew are understanding the assignment very well, and here's hoping whatever comes next will be face-meltingly awesome. I'm excited to see both how this all ends and what the future holds for these bombastic characters. More of this, please!

Lords of the Cosmos #5 is launching on their Kickstarter on September 10, 2024. Digital copy provided by the publisher for review.

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